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OMG I used to play this all the time when I was little. So glad it's here :D
Is Puppy Sanctuary going to be posted too? 

I suddenly remembered that this game existed late last night, and was saddened to find it was no longer available on the appstore... and was overjoyed to discover it was available on! I LOVED this game as a kid, I was constantly begging my mom to let me play it on her phone, haha.

While this has allowed for a wonderful nostalgia trip, I have noticed that the game crashes rather frequently. I'm going to try running the game in compatibility mode to see if that fixes anything, but I figured I should mention it.

Even despite the instability I'm still having a blast reliving my childhood. Thanks for making it available again!

Running the game in Windows 7 compatibility mode seems to have fixed the instability, as I haven't experienced any crashes since changing the compatibility settings.

shout out this game for being being one of my first ever memories overall. i remembered it a while back and looked it up to see what became of it and found it here and i played it so much that when i close my eyes i see the little materials symbols

Hello! Absolutely, I'm just in the process of closing down the original site, so all the games will be on as part of that process. Should be a week or two.

This is awesome! I remember playing this game when I was a kid over on shockwave. Any chance for its sister game puppy sanctuary to make an appearance down the line as well?

The game is as great as my friends and I remember.  Is there a secret iOS port anywhere for *those* people?

Hey Zuba, thanks your generous purchase (!) and for telling your friends : D

I did port Kitten Sanctuary to iOS and Android, a long time ago back before F2P and IAP had completely taken over.

Apple likes to make things obsolete however and I found I didn't have the resources to keep up. Eventually, Apple removed the games ... which was a shame as the games all still ran on 1st Gen Devices.

Ha, mini-rant ... you may have hit a sore spot there : P

Thanks & best wishes,